Visiting Ministry
St. Andrew’s is a Parish comprised of a variety of caring communities. The goal of our Visiting Ministry is to bring the care and compassion of our Parish to members of the Catholic Community who reside in any of the Senior Residences/Long Term Care Facilities in the area. These include Churchill Place, Trafalgar Lodge, Sunrise Living and Wyndham Manor.
Once a month we visit residents and celebrate a Word +
Communion service. These are weekday/daytime visits. We also bring Communion on Sunday mornings. Twice a year we are joined by a Priest to celebrate mass. We also distribute Ashes on Ash Wednesday.
The Hamilton Diocese requires Individuals involved in this Ministry to complete a Police Vulnerable Sector Check. Additionally, a minimum two dose Covid or current Flu vaccine is required.
St. Matthew tells us “For wherever two or three gather in my name, there I am with them”. This ministry is a great way to bring our community of faith to the sick and elderly in our Parish Community.
If you have relatives or friends in any of these residences/long term care facilities – please ensure they are added to the “Catholic Gathering” list.
If you would like to join this joy-filled ministry please contact the Parish Office at office@standrewoakville.com