Heroes of Hope - Monthly Prayers
Lord God, by the grace of our baptism,
you have given us new life in Christ
and called us to serve as pilgrims of hope.
We pray in thanksgiving for those who have responded to your call
to be leaders in our parish community
and for the volunteers who dedicate their gifts
for the building up of your Church
and the service of their sisters and brothers.
Through their varied ministries,
may they touch the hearts of all in our community
who long for the hope, born of our Christian faith,
that never disappoints.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord God, by the grace of our baptism,
you have given us new life in Christ
and called us to serve as pilgrims of hope.
We pray in thanksgiving for those who have responded to your call
to use their gifts in the service of our Diocese,
working in union with our Bishop, providing counsel to our Pastors
and to support their ministry as coworkers in the vineyard of the Lord.
Through their varied ministries,
may they support the pastors of our Church,
and through their work in our Diocese touch the hearts of all in our community
who long for the hope, born of our Christian faith,
that never disappoints.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord God, by the grace of our baptism,
you have given us new life in Christ and called us to serve as pilgrims of hope.
We pray in thanksgiving for those who have responded to your call
to respond to the needs of the poor,
who provide safe shelter for the homeless,
food to those who hunger, counsel to the unemployed,
and support to those who live with mental and physical disabilities.
Through their varied ministries,
may they touch the hearts of all in our community
who long for the hope, born of our Christian faith,
that never disappoints.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.