
Descriptive Masses
for Children and the Family
March 2nd, Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am
March 23rd, Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am
April 6th, Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am
May 11th, Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am

Lentern Soup
Homemade soup and a fresh roll
will be offered after the 12:05pm Mass on Thursday, March 20th, and April 10th.

Hospitality Sunday
After ALL weekend Masses on Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th.
Please come join us at the end of the rainbow (the parish centre) for St. Patrick's Day treats. You'll be Dublin over with joy!

Sacraments 2025
< Confirmation on May 3, Saturday >
10:30am - St.Vincent & St.Luke
1:30pm - Parish Program
< First Communion on April 27, Sunday >
1:30pm - St.Vincent & St.Luke
3:30pm - Parish Program

◇ Quick Direct Links ◇
• Latest Parish Bulletin (Mar 9, 2025)
• Past Mass Intentions Archive
The Church is Open Daily from 9am to 6pm for the Jubilee 2025.
◇ Mass Time ◇
Saturday Vigil 5pm
Sunday 8:15am, 9:30am, 11:30am
Monday No Mass
Tuesday 12:05pm
Wednesday 9:00am
Thursday 12:05pm
Friday 9:00am
◇ Reconciliation ◇
Saturday 4:10pm - 4:45pm
◇ Office Hours ◇
Monday Closed
Tuesday to Thursday 9:30am - 4pm
(Closed for lunch from 12pm - 1pm)
Friday 9:30am - 12pm
47 Reynolds St. Oakville Ontario L6J 3J9
Phone: 905.844.3303
Fax: 905.844.7353
Email: office@standrewoakville.com